Here is a partial list of Robert Zink's latest New Age schemes the Golden Dawn revealed.
- Classical Golden Dawn initiation has become Robert Zink's "Astral Initiation" scheme (
- Reiki - repackaged as Robert Zink's "Ruach Healing." (
- The Secret - gets transformed into Robert Zink's "The Guarantee" (
- Angel Cards - has become Robert Zink's "The Power or Angels." (
- NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) is renamed as Robert Zink's "Neuro Linguistic Alchemy." (
- Life Coaching - is gets new names as Robert Zink's "Miracle Mentor" and "Alchemy Life Coach." (
- And Mr. Zink has even started a New Age subliminal CD business -"Increase Your Psychic Power While You Sleep" (
With Robert Zink selling everything from New Age snake oil to the kitchen sink ... and rebranding everything from Reiki to the Golden Dawn - as Robert Zink's own personal schemes - who can possibly still take Robert Zink's Astral Initation "Golden Dawn" scam seriously?From all appearances, this seems to have hit a sensitive nerve. Robert Zink's EOGD propaganda machine immediately went into overdrive on EOGD's forum, spewing out attack upon attack on the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
First Robert Zink accused the HOGD of "personally attacking" him for exposing his New Age rackets. Then Robert Zink's EOGD Flame War machine went into high gear with nearly 30 new posts attacking the Golden Dawn and its leaders on only a couple of days.
In one of the more rational rational posts, Frater IC of EOGD wrote:
There is a difference between feeling abused because someone disagrees with you and feeling abused because someone is taking personal jabs at your human dignity. A response to accusation is not a personal attack. An expression of disagreement is not a personal attack.This led to HOGD's "Soror Shekinah" pointing out that Robert Zink himself has been "personally attacking" ALL Golden Dawn groups and orders for years, for example, in publishing pages with destructive and false rumors about a non-existent "Golden Dawn Nazi connection" and "dangerous megalomaniacs" on his EOGD website and blog. She also pointed out how the EOGD forum archives contain almost 1,500 forum posts attacking Golden Dawn groups and their leaders and reminding everyone that Mr. Zink was caught already publishing anonymous websites personally attacking other Golden Dawn groups and their leaders with outrageously libelous material.
Robert Zink's "personal attack" claim blew up in his face when a social worker named Mary Williamson got involved in the debate. Ms. Williamson reminded everyone of the skeleton in Robert Zink's closet, asking:
Is Outing A Sexual Predator A "Personal Attack"?Responding to EOGD's Frater IC's above cited post, Mary Williamson wrote:
Dear Frater IC,EOGD Frater
I am a survivor of childhood sexual abuse by a male authority figure. I am therefore very concerned with protecting children from sexual abuse. I therefore have what I consider to be a very important question for you.
Do you consider it to be a "personal attack" for me to say that Robert Zink has a proven history as a sexual predator? Why? Do you not believe this is relevant and important information for the public to know especially about the head of an esoteric order?
I assume you realize why convicted sexual predators are required by law to be registered in most states. It is to protect other children because most men who sexually abuse children become repeat offenders.
Even in cases where the perpetrator managed to escape justice because both the victim and her family decided not to press charges, should the public not be made aware of this abuse anyway, in order to protect other innocent children? Especially when there exists solid evidence that the abuse actually did occur, as in the case of Robert Zink (the birth certificate of a child sired on a minor daughter of an Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn member)?
So, in your opinion, is it a "personal attack" to alert the public about a danger of their children being sexually abused before they decide to join the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn?
I can understand that the grown-up victim of the first known sexual assault may feel that publishing this information is an attack on her or her family, but she is grown up and out of danger now. Is it not more important to protect other children who might be in danger of sexual assault by Robert Zink today?
How can we know that the children of other members of the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn are not being sexually abused by Robert Zink right now? How else can we protect these children? Certainly not by remaining silent or covering up what happened in the past.
Mary Williamson
You calling Robert Zink a sexual predator would not be a personal attack if it were true. You want history, look at the history of his marriage which has stood the test of time.Mary Williamson replied:
Dear J.C.,Robert Zink himself then wrote:
Whether or not Mr. Zink today still has a relationship with the victim he sexually abused as a child is irrelevant to the present discussion. The fact remains, Mr. Zink DID abuse her. This is well established fact. Since, like Rafaela, I was sexually abused when a child I have great empathy for her. I can understand Rafaela she wants to protect her abuser, especially because he is still in relationship with him today. I can even understand how Rafaela might feel personally attacked, but this not at all personal.
This is about trying to PROTECT CHILDREN of other EOGD members from being sexually assaulted like Rafaela was. Mr. Zink is still today in the same position that he ABUSED to molest Rafaela and most experts agree that 90% of all child molesters are repeat offenders. Who will protect today's children of EOGD members from Robert Zink if what happened to Rafaela is just forgotten or swept under the rug?
So, whereas, I certainly can understands how Rafaela feels that this is a personal attack, she must understand that this is not about her. It is about protecting the underaged children of Golden Dawn members TODAY.
Here is another pink gorilla. "Sexual Predator." Well, I coached a baseball team called the Predators, but this is one of those pink gorillas that not only look scary, but the very words sound scary. These are words designed to scare people away from examining your work, your writings, or the Order you are involved with. The more you can scream these words, the more people you can attract by default if nothing elseTo which Mary Williamson replied:
Okay, I hate pink gorillas
Now, I think you know that there are people in those gorilla costumes, and they want to scare you. But this is a fact, neither local nor federal agencies have ever even investigated me for the horrible accusations that those in their gorilla outfits want you to believe.
I might have felt inclined to give Mr. Zink the benefit of the doubt, were it not for his post today where he actually makes fun of my concern as nothing but "pink gorillas." It is Robert Zink's complete lack of remorse that is most disconcerting. There is always a chance of reform when perpetrators take full responsibility for their actions. But when they try to minimize and make light of what they did instead, it is usually the best indication to keep an watchful eye on them anywhere near children!EOGD's Frater IC then responded:
Clearly, there are many examples of authority figures in all types of institutions who use their influence to commit horrible crimes of sexual abuse. Were there to exist any fraternal order or group whose leader was convicted of sexual assault, exposing such a person may be a personal attack, but it would certainly be a justified one. However, to accuse Mr. Zink of such a crime is not only an unjustified personal attack. It is also a libelous one, because the facts clearly prove such accusations to be plainly an unequivocally false.Mary Williamson then replied:
The argument is that his (Mr. Zink's son's) birth date proves that the child's mother, Mr. Zink's current wife of nearly 15 years, was under the age of 18. Therefore, they scream "statutory rape" and "sexual predator" because these words are very scary. However, this is the perfect example of a culturally ambiguous charge that does a true disservice to victims of sex crimes everywhere. (snip)
Not only has Mr. Zink never been convicted of a sex crime, neither has there ever been charges brought against him. Because there are absolutely no charges to bring up. My heart truly goes out to victims of sexual assault. That is why I find this plainly false accusation against Mr. Zink to be an absolute disgrace and a blatant disservice to victims of sexual assault everywhere.
Today, I have witnessed numerous attempts on the EOGD forum to justify the sexual abuse of the underage daughters of EOGD members. I was shocked to read EOGD members arguing that since no charges were ever brought against Mr. Zink, he can not be a sexual predator. Nothing could be further from the truth!
In fact, most sexual predators are never brought to justice. This, however, in no way justifies child sexual abuse.
I was even more shocked to read attempts to justify Mr. Zink's child sexual abuse of daughter of an EOGD member with the lame arguments that "in certain cultures if is culturally acceptable to have sex with 14-16 year olds."
I am more concerned than ever for the safety of children of EOGD members today due not only to bizarre arguments from EOGD members trying to justify Mr. Zink's attack.
Mr. Zink also posted and I am even more concerned by Mr. Zink's total lack of remorse.
In the past, Mr. Zink first attempted even to deny that there ever was an attack, saying:"...that this couple's relationship began when she (the underaged victim) was fifteen years of age is unequivocally false."The victim's Mother, Rita Pulera, responded by posting:
"Hello, Catherine (Campbell, former EOGD Chief): It's been awhile, hasn't it? I am happy to hear that Rafaela is doing so well. I wouldn't know. I was hoping all of you would leave Rafaela out of it. But you haven't. How dare you! Rafalea was only 16 when her relationship with Robert began. Let me set that straight. And if you want to contest her mother, go right ahead. I did not give Robert any consent to sleep with my daughter. He just took it on himself. Rafaela, I am sorry. I have to do this now. You see, Catherine, Robert did a Bowl of Desire on Rafaela so he could take her she was still attending Rosary High School. So it was not okay. She had to drop out of high school because of the pregnancy, and to this day has never been allowed to finish her schooling. Why don't you have some shred of decency and leave my daughter and her son out of it? The reason I never pressed charges was to protect my daughter, my grandson and myself from the threats."
So, we see that, according to the testimony of the victim's Mother, not only did Robert Zink sexually abuse her underage daughter, but he also used black magic to do so!To which EOGD London's John responded:
After she made the above posts, the EOGD forum attempted to demonize the victim's Mother, Rita Pulera, like they are doing with me today, accusing her of lying. The indignant Mother therefore published the following undeniable evidence:
The Certificate of Live Births provided by the victim's Mother (State of California, Certificate No. 104-19436025010, dated December 8, 2004) clearly shows that sexual predator Robert Anthony Zink (born February 26, 1953) is the father of the child sired upon his unfortunate, sixteen year old victim. According the birth certificate, the victim gave birth to perpetrator Zink's son on November 18, 1994 and the victim was born on April 4, 1997.
This birth certificate corroborates the testimony of the victim's Mother and demonstrates conclusively that the victim was only fifteen to sixteen years old when Mr. Zink (about 40 years old at the time) first sexually assaulted then impregnated her on or about February18, 1994.
This was a clear act of statutory rape according to the laws of the State of California. The birth certificate further proves that the victim was still a minor even when she gave birth when on November 18, 1994. In the State of California, where the attack occured, it is a CRIME to have sex with a minor under age 18, whether or not it is ever brought to trial.
I have worked in a professional capacity with perpetrators of rape and sexual abuse for over ten years of my career as a therapist in high, medium and low secure services and I have managed Forensic Mental Health services in the UK.Mary Williamson then responded:
This career has been extremely challenging and also from a magical perspective I have found dealing with the dark energies in these settings has taught me a lot. Victims suffer terribly and I think it it extremely disrespectful to them for someone in any of the occult forums to make allegations of rape that are blatantly untrue in a defamatory way. I have considerable experience of the psychological profiles of the perpetrators of rape and I can quite categorically say that IN NO WAY does Mr Zink even remotely resemble these characters. To accuse him of such is clearly slanderous and defamatory.
Whomever has made these suggestions does not deserve to be part of the Golden Dawn occult community. She really does not know what she is suggesting. If she went to work in a forensic psychiatric setting I hope she would change her tune.
I have spent enough time with Mr Zink and his family to know they are really superb people and they have a great relationship. They are both amazing adepts and superb examples of leadership and dedication in the occult community. I would trust either of them implicitly. I admire their considerable and consistent hard graft that makes the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn happen. They are a tribute to SL MacGregor Mathers and he would be incredibly proud of them and how they have built on the Golden Dawn temples in the USA and made it available worldwide.
To Robert and your family - you have my full support and backing. The slander is unfounded and illogical. Let's get on with the Great Work and leave the mud slingers in the mud until they are ready to act respectfully and responsibly.
Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn, London
Hello John,I must conclude that evidence is substantial that Robert Zink, as leader of the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn, did indeed abuse the trust of his position as leader of EOGD to sexually abuse the under-aged daughter of then EOGD member, Rita Pulera.
First of all whether I deserve to be a part of any Golden Dawn esoteric community is irrelevant. I am not a member of any Golden Dawn group and nor do I want to be, so I am not a party to any side in this discussion. My concern is not for this group or that group. My only concern is for protecting children from childhood sexual abuse.
I must admit my frustration that none of my responses to all of these "personal attacks" on "me" on the EOGD forum have ever been allowed to appear in that venue. Unless you read other fora, therefore, you will not even get to see this response from me. EOGD leadership appears to be trying to cover up everything but its own spin.
I have clearly stated from the beginning of this discussion that I am a childhood sexual abuse survivor.
Moreover, I have worked for child protective services and have worked with women in recovery from rape, incest, and childhood sexual abuse for 22 and a half years now.
My own recovery has been a long and difficult journey, as has been of the hundreds of women whom I have worked with over the years, many of whom today still remain unable to sustain normal, healthy relationships because of what they endured as children.
As such, I must say that , if you do indeed work as a forensic psychiatrist, the above post is a shining example of gross professional negligence.
I am shocked that you would abuse your professional position to try to sweep Robert Zink's proven sexual assault of the underaged child of one of his order members under the carpet with a cheap character reference.
I am even more shocked that members of the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn seem willing even to abuse their professional positions to try to sweep child sexual abuse under the rug. This is behavior that I have seen before but only when working with survivors of cult or ritual sexual abuse. This is, to me, yet another red flag and important warning sign.
I must caution therefore all members of the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn to be extremely careful with their children around, EOGD leader, Robert Zink.
I am further alarmed by your "personal attacks" on me. You call me a "mud slinger", and accuse me of "slander" and "defamation", merely because I stand up for the rights of underaged girls not to be sexually abused merely because their Mothers belong to a ritual group!
This does not surprise me either. It is not the first time that someone has tried to scapegoat me for standing up for the rights of children. This often occurs in dysfunctional families or organizations, for example, when a Mother tries to protect the perpetrator by blaming the victimized child or the social worker who is trying to protect them.
If you analyze my posts carefully, however, all I have actually done is to raise a red flag and point out that all of EOGD attempts to justify and defend the child sexual abuse perpetrated group leader, by Robert Zink, are extremely alarming in themselves.
I do not care that Mr. Zink is a little league coach. I do not care even if Robert Zink brings in an army of character witnesses.
IT IS STILL NOT OK TO SEXAULLY ABUSE CHILDREN. Whether the child is 2, 4, 8, 12, 14, or 16 years old. It is simply NOT OK to do this.
And it is even less OK when a perpetrator abuses a position of trust and authority to sexually abuse a child.
Whether he is a cult leader, or the leader of a ritual group like Mr. Zink, or even a Catholic priest. THIS IS SIMPLY NOT APPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR.
It is shocking that Robert Zink does not even acknowledge this.
And even more shocking to watch EOGD members rally around their leader and try to justify this sick behavior.
I must, for these specific reasons, counsel anyone with children to be extremely careful with the EOGD and around its leader, Mr. Robert Zink.
This is not because I have any sort of ax to grind. It is because all of these things together paint a picture that raises legitimate concerns for the safety of their children.
Finally, John, you say:
"This career has been extremely challenging and also from a magical perspective I have found dealing with the dark energies in these settings has taught me a lot. Victims suffer terribly and I think it it extremely disrespectful to them for someone in any of the occult forums to make allegations of rape that are blatantly untrue in a defamatory way."
The gist of Califonia (where the abuse occured) defamation law is that the statements of fact made by the writer or publisher falsely injure the reputation etc. of the party written about. California Civil Code section 45 provides in part is as follows:
45. Libel is a false and unprivileged publication by writing, printing, picture, effigy, or other fixed representation to the eye, which exposes any person to hatred, contempt, ridicule, or obloquy, or which causes him to be shunned or avoided, or which has a tendency to injure him in his occupation.45a. A libel which is defamatory of the plaintiff without the necessity of explanatory matter, such as an inducement, innuendo or other extrinsic fact, is said to be a libel on its face. Defamatory language not libelous on its face is not actionable unless the plaintiff alleges and proves that he has suffered special damage as a proximate result thereof. Special damage is defined in Section 48a of this code.
Accusing me of defamation without any justification is a personal attack on "me" and yet another example of gross professional negligence on your part. Whether or not any charges were ever filed, since the previously cited birth certificate corroborates the testimony of the victim's Mother and demonstrates conclusively that the victim was only fifteen to sixteen years old when Mr. Zink (about 40 years old at the time) first sexually assaulted then impregnated her on or about February18, 1994.
This was a clear act of statutory rape according to the laws of the State of California. The birth certificate further proves that the victim was still a minor even when she gave birth when on November 18, 1994. In the State of California, where the attack occured, it is a CRIME to have sex with a minor under age 18, whether or not it is ever brought to trial.
Here are the relevant sections of the California Penal Code:CALIFORNIA PENAL CODE261.5. (a) Unlawful sexual intercourse is an act of sexual intercourse accomplished with a person who is not the spouse of the perpetrator, if the person is a minor. For the purposes of this section, a "minor" is a person under the age of 18 years and an "adult" is a person who is at least 18 years of age.
SECTION 261-269
(b) Any person who engages in an act of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor who is not more than three years older or three years younger than the perpetrator, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
(c) Any person who engages in an act of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor who is more than three years younger than
the perpetrator is guilty of either a misdemeanor or a felony, and shall be punished by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one
year, or by imprisonment in the state prison.
(d) Any person over the age of 21 years who engages in an act of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor who is under 16 years of age is guilty of either a misdemeanor or a felony, and shall be punished by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year, or by imprisonment in the state prison for two, three, or four years.
(e) (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, an adult who engages in an act of sexual intercourse with a minor in
violation of this section may be liable for civil penalties in the following amounts:
(A) An adult who engages in an act of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor less than two years younger than the adult is liable for a civil penalty not to exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000).
(B) An adult who engages in an act of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor at least two years younger than the adult is liable for a civil penalty not to exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000).
(C) An adult who engages in an act of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor at least three years younger than the adult is liable for a civil penalty not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000).
(D) An adult over the age of 21 years who engages in an act of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor under 16 years of age is liable for a civil penalty not to exceed twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000).
(2) The district attorney may bring actions to recover civil penalties pursuant to this subdivision. From the amounts collected for each case, an amount equal to the costs of pursuing the action shall be deposited with the treasurer of the county in which the judgment was entered, and the remainder shall be deposited in the Underage Pregnancy Prevention Fund, which is hereby created in the State Treasury. Amounts deposited in the Underage Pregnancy
Prevention Fund may be used only for the purpose of preventing underage pregnancy upon appropriation by the Legislature.
261.6. In prosecutions under Section 261, 262, 286, 288a, or 289, in which consent is at issue, "consent" shall be defined to mean positive cooperation in act or attitude pursuant to an exercise of free will. The person must act freely and voluntarily and have knowledge of the nature of the act or transaction involved.
A current or previous dating or marital relationship shall not be sufficient to constitute consent where consent is at issue in a prosecution under Section 261, 262, 286, 288a, or 289. Nothing in this section shall affect the admissibility of evidence or the burden of proof on the issue of consent.
261.7. In prosecutions under Section 261, 262, 286, 288a, or 289, in which consent is at issue, evidence that the victim suggested, requested, or otherwise communicated to the defendant that the defendant use a condom or other birth control device, without additional evidence of consent, is not sufficient to constitute consent.
According to the Mother, the seduction involved ritual abuse through black magic. Finally, certain members of the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn today appear intent to sweep the entire manner under the rug, in a cult-like sense of loyalty to their charismatic leader.
I find it shocking that Robert Zink and certain EOGD members are personally attacking Ms. Williamson merely for attempting to protect innocent children from sexual abuse.
I find it horrific that Mr. Zink has shown no remorse for his misdeeds and has personally atacked Ms. Williamson instead.
I find it extremely disconcerting that certain EOGD members appear intent to justify and defend the abhorrent behavior of their leader, Robert Zink, at all costs, even if this means innocent children may be further endangered.